Wow, yesterday was quite the accomplishment and a lot of fun!
First, I got to sleep in because it was finally my day off! Wahoo! Then after a little vegitation in front of the TV Ian came home from a job he had to finish up and we went out to lunch to this new back east place next to our apartment comlex. I just have to say it was DELICIOUS. I kept talking about how good it was for the rest of the day! haha. So for the next adventure of the day I should probably give you a little background history....
Ian has worked on Jeeps since he was in high school, and absolutely loves them. He could stare at those things all day. ( no joke ) Well, last year we bought ourselves a CJ7 81' and are working on rebuilding it! So today we were on a mission....we went to the junk yard and were excited to find ourselves a tie rod and steering linkage for the Jeep! Oh yeah :) After taking our treasures home Ian showed me how it was all going to come together. I am so excited for the steering to be done!
Here are a couple pics of our goodies!

This is the tie rod.....

.....and I'm holding the steering column!
Then Ian came with me to multiple craft stores to get all the supplies needed for a project I have been looking forward to working on today that I got from! It was actually a lot of fun!
Here's the end result! ( I just need to glue it, but my glue gun is still in storage somewhere!)

Then of course I had to scrapbook just a little....
It was such an eventful fun day! Everything that we love to do we were able to work on today! I was so happy! Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday too!