"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Look what I got Ian for Father's Day! jk. :)
We were out yard sale hunting yesterday when we drive past a lady who is taping a "free" sign to this BBQ! So of course Ian jumped out and told her we'd take it! Ha ha.

It works great too! Just needed some cleaning. The couple was getting rid of it because the ignition starter didn't work and they bought a new one. Ian cleaned it all up and BBQ'd some chicken on it this morning! ha ha. 


 Not to mention you are going to make a great father one day ;)

Also I'd like to thank my own father for all of his patience with his only daughter..and all of her emotional ups and downs during all the years. We appreciate all you have done on our new house and your love and support with everything!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Remodels


ugly old carpet and old hand railing

after we ripped out the carpet; view from top of stairs showing old original door


    This is after we tore out half a wall at the bottom of the stairs, and two walls at the top of the stairs which was replaced with the railing. New carpet, and new front door.

Old carpet, existing walls still present, old trim and flooring


after replacing base flooring, new trim, new carpet, putting in railing to open up landing


This is the "blue room" as we like to call it ;)

Old carpet, brown doors, and old trim


New baseboard, paint, and carpet

New white doors (the "blue room" is behind the main door you see in this pic)


This is the "guest room" when we bought the house there was no carpet in this room, this pic was taken after we ripped out the trim

Closet in the guest bedroom


Guest Room with new carpet, trim, and paint

After patching the chips and dings on this shelf, then painting and carpeting the closet looks brand new!


Linen Closet


(it has a door on it now...this was before we put them in)


Main floor bathroom


The new vanity! (Thanks to my dad) and don't worry the mirror is gone too ;)

Well, that is all for now! We still have many projects that are a work in progress.  Soon to come will be pictures of our kitchen! It's almost done...just need some finishing touches! We also are fixing up the laundry room and have to do some updating on the outside! It has been so fun working on our house :) and we are loving being able to come "home". Thanks to all who came and helped with the Demo when we first got the keys :)

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