So just to tell you a bit more about our anniversary, we went to Pocatello, ID. (It was actually really fun!) That was where this themed hotel was. I was very impressed with this place. When we checked in we met the owners right away and ironically we both had the same last name! They were very friendly and helpful! Then when we walked in the door to our room there was a note card on our bed welcoming us with our name on the card! How sweet :) Also the bath soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion was all bath and body works. (what woman would complain to that...please tell me) The room was immaculate, very clean indeed. The fish tank was even impressive! Those things are hard to keep clean. Any who, the evening was relaxing and fun. We drove all around looking for a place to eat and got lost, walked into a nice Italian restaurant, sat down, Ian ordered a coke,we choked at the prices, then asked to be excused and walked out! Ha ha. After all, his coke came out in a can! are you kidding me? What kind of nice restaurant gives you a soda in a can for two dollars? Not to mention we didn't really feel like spending $20 a plate for something we didn't know was even going to be good! After sometime we ended at another Italian place, although this place was more like a bar/half restaurant (think laid back) It was surprisingly pretty good!! The atmosphere was kinda fun too! (Probably not the most anticipated anniversary destination, but thoroughly enjoyable!) Okay so moving along...we came back borrowed some movies from the office (for free might i add) then relaxed. I woke up the next morning (early as usual) and plastered the mirror with little love notes in heart shaped stickies before Ian was even conscious. It took him a while to notice...ha ha (figures) but was worth it all the same :) We were able to go out for an amazing breakfast (which was included in the price of our room!) and then we headed off for Lava Hot Springs! WOo WOo!! Ian and I had been there over the summer and LOVED IT! That was my favorite trip all summer (and we had gone on lots of trips) I'm pretty sure it was the cheapest too. Any how, that's where we decided to go for our Anni. So in 11 degree weather (or somewhere close to that) we got in our swimming suits and climbed in the springs :) nice. One problem....we forgot towels. Oops? (so like us) *eyes rolling* Luckily we stayed in the hot springs long enough we were dying of the heat and were happy to get out into the freezing cold. We high tailed it to the locker rooms and both admitted later those hand dryers came in handy :) ha ha. As we were walking out, an elderly gentlemen informed us they had towels in the office you can rent. Again, Oops...ha ha Oh well, we were saving money we'll say :) It made for another memorable experience!!

Our Christmas Tree! It probably could have used some trimming...but that's okay! It had lots of character :)
These pics are of our place in Logan. It was covered in snow!
Now for the part I originally was starting this post for (sorry for the long story! ahh...I'm horrible) we are back in Logan, and I must say IT HAS GOTTEN COLD!!! At night sometimes 2 degrees. 2!!! Today we were fortunate enough to have it 11 degrees during the has been lower. Might I also add the streets are covered in snow, as well as the trees, the yards, the cars, everything. The other thing is, it never melts. It just sticks, and sticks more. I am proud for how brave I am becoming in the snow :) I went out shopping today and drove all by myself!! (yay me!!) It was pretty crazy though, I will say. Even Ian said so, and he likes driving in the snow!! I don't mind it all that much though. It makes for a very beautiful scene, and I have just learned to wear my boots and layer my clothes! Also lots and lots of blankets at night. It's kinda nice that way. Not to mention LOTS and LOTS of HOT CHOCOLATE :) Another nice things is all this cold weather has given me the motivation to stay indoors and continue working on my Christmas projects! I have now completed what 7 baskets and 5 aprons?! (go me again!!!) The aprons are really the thing I am most proud of. (the basket are just like working at pirate o's all over again...ha ha) If you know me at all you know I AM HORRIBLE AT SEWING! I don't know how to thread a bobbin...or turn the sewing machine on for that matter. So the fact that I even dared attempt this was pretty amazing. Granted, my mother helped me with the first 3 and even the 4th she supervised. The 5th though, she doesn't even know I made :) hee hee hee. (I'm so sneaky) My whole family knows I have been making them and has been with me every step of the way watching my work unfold, although they will be surprised to see they too have ones that show up in their hands Christmas day, but those are going to be ones they do not recognize!! How exciting!! :) :) The baskets have turned out quite cute I might add. They are all a little different. I think that's what I like best. Each one is special and designed for the person it is going to! Ah...I love when Christmas gifts are so time consuming. I grow to love them!! I am going to be sad when these baskets and sewing projects aren't sitting in my living room anymore for me to admire.... :( But how wonderful will it be to see every one's faces when they receive them!?! I am very excited.

Our Christmas Tree! It probably could have used some trimming...but that's okay! It had lots of character :)

Now for the part I originally was starting this post for (sorry for the long story! ahh...I'm horrible) we are back in Logan, and I must say IT HAS GOTTEN COLD!!! At night sometimes 2 degrees. 2!!! Today we were fortunate enough to have it 11 degrees during the has been lower. Might I also add the streets are covered in snow, as well as the trees, the yards, the cars, everything. The other thing is, it never melts. It just sticks, and sticks more. I am proud for how brave I am becoming in the snow :) I went out shopping today and drove all by myself!! (yay me!!) It was pretty crazy though, I will say. Even Ian said so, and he likes driving in the snow!! I don't mind it all that much though. It makes for a very beautiful scene, and I have just learned to wear my boots and layer my clothes! Also lots and lots of blankets at night. It's kinda nice that way. Not to mention LOTS and LOTS of HOT CHOCOLATE :) Another nice things is all this cold weather has given me the motivation to stay indoors and continue working on my Christmas projects! I have now completed what 7 baskets and 5 aprons?! (go me again!!!) The aprons are really the thing I am most proud of. (the basket are just like working at pirate o's all over again...ha ha) If you know me at all you know I AM HORRIBLE AT SEWING! I don't know how to thread a bobbin...or turn the sewing machine on for that matter. So the fact that I even dared attempt this was pretty amazing. Granted, my mother helped me with the first 3 and even the 4th she supervised. The 5th though, she doesn't even know I made :) hee hee hee. (I'm so sneaky) My whole family knows I have been making them and has been with me every step of the way watching my work unfold, although they will be surprised to see they too have ones that show up in their hands Christmas day, but those are going to be ones they do not recognize!! How exciting!! :) :) The baskets have turned out quite cute I might add. They are all a little different. I think that's what I like best. Each one is special and designed for the person it is going to! Ah...I love when Christmas gifts are so time consuming. I grow to love them!! I am going to be sad when these baskets and sewing projects aren't sitting in my living room anymore for me to admire.... :( But how wonderful will it be to see every one's faces when they receive them!?! I am very excited.