We start speeding up to check how well they hold once we get on the freeway. That's when I see the love seat start to lift....Next thing I know our brand new couch is flying through the air flipping and rolling over and over on the ground!! Ian immediately stops and we rush back to it. Luckily no one is directly behind us and we are able to get it back on the truck before anyone comes by. What a tragedy though. The loveseat is all scraped up. The two sides the back...oh its bad. But what can we do? So we tie it back on (more securely this time) and head on up to Logan. I was pretty disappointed at first because I had been SOO excited for these couches and we had been waiting for SOO long to get them, but I decided to be grateful it was still in one piece and that we even had a loveseat! Plus a nice decorative throw might help disguise our tragic accident :)
Well I think Ian felt pretty bad that things had turned out that way, so he convinced me to go with him to take it to an upolster to repair the damage. So the next day we take it to an upholster. He is such a nice guy! He gave us a very fair deal and so we leave him the loveseat to fix. I couldn't wait to see him work his magic! And magic he did. IT LOOKS AMAZING!! I'm so happy we did it :) Now we have a wonderful couch and loveseat set. What a difference in feel it makes to our sweet abode :)
It's been almost a week now since we have come back up in a long time. I can't express how nice it is to be able to feel "at home." I dont' think I have appreciated this little house more than I do right now. We finally got everything put away and organized (well for the most part. My office still needs lots of work!) but I really love being here. I love the town too, its so small, and everyone is soooo nice!! When we were trying to bring the couches in a total stranger stopped to help he was on his way home from work! Not only that you should have heard the upholster go on and on talking about everything he could to to ensure our satisfaction. Even the cashiers at Wal-Mart! There is one guy who likes to give you riddles when you go through his line. hahaha. I love it! I hate to leave for salt lake already. It's just the season though. Not that I'm not excited to see family!!! I love my family!!! I just miss this place....Oh and I am so excited we just found out that the owner is replacing the windows in the house!! No more feeling the breeze while lying in bed at night :)
Well, I suppose that is all for now. I am sure there will be many more things to share. Eventually I would like to post our wedding pics, but all in due time....haha. maybe on our anniversary!! lol. Hope you enjoy the pics of our place!
Your house looks so cute! And I'm glad the couches turned out ok! We moved about a month ago and the whole time I was turned around watching all our stuff in the trailer to make sure none of it flew away. Scary! Where is it you guys live? I'm assuming somewhere near Logan....
Yes, we actually live in Logan! 600 N. 400 E. Not far from the Utah State Campus!
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