"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Husband

I love my husband.

He is my very best friend.

He is really good at:

fixing things
working on cars/jeeps/trucks and if he doesn't know it, he knows how to find it.
listening to me, even when I have nothing important to say
giving good advice
talking to people, especially strangers
remembering details about stories
making rice
showing his affection with love notes, texts, etc.
making me happy :)
knowing just what to say when I am sad
making me laugh
keeping up on the lawn/yard chores/taking out the garbage
driving (trailers, 4x4 jeeps off road, motocyles, etc)
coming up with nicknames! (I'm terrible at it)
putting things together
and just
being a good husband

and you know what else I think he is going to be great at? Being a dad. I'm so excited to see him be a dad to our little boy. He already is talking about all the things they are going to do and what he wants to teach him. Sometimes I think he gets more excited than me at doctor appointments and feeling the baby kick. He is just as excited to look at baby things and wants to get clothes and things for our little one. I just love love love him.

He has been gone since Friday morning and he just called me because he is on his way home. I cannot wait to see him! I missed him so much and he was only gone for 1 1/2 days.

The Weekend

Ian got off work Friday and was going to be leaving for the weekend to go Deer Hunting with his friend James. So I decided since I was already off I would drive to Logan when Ian went and spend the weekend with Jame's wife Tiffanie!

So Friday morning after stopping at McDonald's for a quick breakfast Ian and I set off for Logan! Woohoo! I <3 Logan :) It makes me happy when I get to go back. Although I don't think I would want to live there again...it is such a fun little town and brings back old memories everytime we go.

Tiff and I decided we were going to make Halloween sugar cookies to frost and decorate while the guys were gone. So first we made the dough, and then hit the park for a little play time with her two little kids.  Later we took a trip to Macey's (I LOVE MACEY'S!) and picked up groceries including fun stuff to decorate our cookies with! After all that it was time for dinner and what better way to spend it eating out while the husbands are away :) So off to Chili's we went!!!

There we induldged in their chips and salsa and of course the queso. Yum. Next up were the RIBS and boy did we enjoy them. (can anyone say extra napkins and more bbq sauce please?) 

And how can you leave Chili's without one of these?

You can't.

So yes, we did get it and yes we ate all of it.
Oh yeah.

Needless to say we were full and satisfied by the time we left. Our service was great and it made for such a fun night! Later after the kids went to sleep Tiffanie and I stayed up to cut out our cookie dough and baked the bat, spider, witch, pumpkin, and ghost shapes for decorating! Oh and then we stayed up even LATER talking and laughing in bed just like we were teenagers. Fun and totally worth it, but I'm pretty sure we both could have used naps the next day ;)

Saturday morning Tiffanie made pancakes for breakfast, and yes I put peanut butter on them. She even made homemade syrup. MY FAVORITE. Later we went shopping at TJ Maxx & Ross. (two of the best stores ever) and I found something I have been wanting for the baby's room. Hopefully it works out like I am thinking...

We also found a little sidewalk sale with cute little handmade flower bows and clips that we had to check out for Tiff's little girl!

After all that we finally decided to frost our sugar cookies (the best part, but most time consuming) So we made our frosting, pulled out our food coloring, sprinkles, gel, and candy corns :) I think they turned out pretty good!

  What do you think? :) Thanks Tiff. It was a spectacular weekend.

PS. While in Logan I caught up with my friend Emily and went to lunch at one of the best places this little town has to offer.

 Le Nonne
Italian Restaurant

If you are EVER in Logan you should call and set up a reservation to eat here, because it is delicious and unlike any other italian food I've had. Thanks Em for our hour of fun, food, and catching up.

(the sun was really bright so we look a little squinty)

Oh and want to know the best part about meeting up with Emily? I got to see her belly :) She is 25 weeks pregnant and only 4 days ahead of me! Her baby is due Feb.1st and my babe is due Feb.5th. How cool is that?
Oh and we are both having baby boys :)


One Week

That is how long I have had off from work (actually it's technically longer than that, but close enough). I have been off since LAST Friday. I had so many plans for what I could and should do during this week off.

Here is what I was planning on doing while I was off...

Wake up early each day and work out
Clean the whole house & do laundry
Finish decorating for Halloween
Find fabric for baby's quilt & start sewing it
Bake Halloween Cookies
Go visiting teaching
Vacuum the whole house
Shop for baby's room
Decorate and put together the baby's room
Clean blinds to finally hang
Go to Costco
Go in for my eye check up and get more contacts
Get my ring cleaned and checked out
Visit some friends
Eat at home as much as possible to save money

This is what I DID do...
Slept in almost everyday and didn't work out (also went to bed late almost every night...)
Managed to do the dishes by day 3, didn't clean much of the house.
I did get 2 loads of laundry done...but only because I had nothing left to wear
I spent 3 days just looking for the fabric, got frustrated and never started sewing...
I shopped a LOT for the baby's room and found a lot of deals and perfect things for the room, but as for getting the room set up...it's still mostly a mess on the floor :)
I never did attempt to finish decorating for Halloween
I managed to call one girl for visiting teaching..I still have 2 more to call...
I definitely did NOT clean the blinds..I still have styrofoam covering my window instead :)
did go to Costco but spent way more time than I should have...and spent way too much $
Instead of going to get my eyes checked and ring cleaned I spent more time browsing at baby stuff
I did spend LOTS of time with friends and ate out like everyday so saving money didn't really fall into that ;) but....

I did have lots of fun and felt like I got a lot accomplished anyways. It was great to see so many people I have not seen in a long time.

Friday & Saturday: I was with my Mom all day both days :)
Monday: I went to South Summit and saw all my old co-workers :) then spent more time with my mom and later had dinner with Katrina
Tuesday: had lunch with my friend Debra
Wednesday: Drove to Springville to be with my friend Lacee
Thursday: ate Dinner with Ashley

I also was off Friday & Saturday of THIS week, but that has a much better story that I will save for a seperate post ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ultrasound and Baby's Room

Ultrasound Pics

Ian and I went in for our ultrasound at 19 weeks. We had our appointment at 8AM which meant I had to start drinking my 24oz of water way too early! ha ha. (I should have planned that one better) We were so excited and nervous for our ultrasound. When it came time to find out the gender our sonographer had to spend most of the appointment just getting him to move so that we could see what he was! I almost thought we were going to leave without knowing:( but luckily she didn't give up!

22 weeks

23 weeks (and 2 days)
Ian set up our changing table a couple of weeks ago and I spent no time waiting to pull out the few baby items I had picked up over the past couple of years during our marriage for our "future baby." It was so exciting to see some of these things out now knowing we will have a little one to use them in a few months! The onesie and binkie set you see me holding is the one thing Ian and I purchased together just recently after we found out we were having a little boy :)

There is also one other addition to the baby's room so far....
The BIG PUFFY rocking recliner chair.
Doesn't it just look like it wants to suck you in?
Oh yes.

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