"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

34 Weeks

Wow, it's coming whether I'm ready or not :) Six weeks left to go before this baby's due date.  I have been feeling pretty good overall (for being 8 months pregnant).  I have the usual symptoms/complaints as I'm sure all woman at this stage have...
-the lack of being able to stand/sit/walk for long periods of time (long being relatively short compared to what I used to consider long..)

-the inability to see my feet, paint my toes, shave my legs easily, etc.

-Braxton Hicks contractions becoming more often and more intense as I get further along.

-heartburn ALL THE TIME no matter what I eat or don't eat.

-tired & winded after what seems to be minor efforts compared to what I used to be able to do.

-waking up in the middle of the night with leg cramps

-finding it harder and harder to get comfortable to go to sleep, baby keeping me awake when I try to sleep.

-skin stretching, "the pregnancy line", and of course my once  "innie" turning into an "outie"

I am kind of sad that I never did post about my symptoms/thoughts on being halfway, because now I would really like to look back and reflect on what was going on then.  I find it hard to believe that I was just getting my first ultrasound then and we had just found out we were having a boy.  It now seems like I have known forever.  I also know I was still having episodes on and off with nausea and vomiting from the hormones.  It's crazy to think that back then I was just starting to feel the first "flutters" of movement and now I see big bulges roll across my belly and odd shapes sticking out of my side constantly.

Anyways, I am excited that we are now getting into the home stretch! I can't believe we are now so much closer to meeting this little one! I have already had to start working out the details with my maternity leave and we are getting started in packing our bags for the hospital. We have completed half of our birthing classes now and have turned in our paperwork for preregistration at the hospital.

Here is a pic of me at 34 weeks 0 Days!

My belly is really starting to get big now! :)


Heilit and Matthew Biehl said...

What a lovely belly! I wish I were glamorous styled but at least one of us got that luck lol. I feel you on each of those symptoms but we're getting there and we'll be so fulfilled. I'm taking the restless nights and thinking how much sweeter it will be to have our little boys to keep us company during those- may make it a little sweeter as opposed to leg cramps and bathroom runs for late night calls.

Rob and Vienna said...

You look so great! I'd love to be pregnant at Christmas time one day because I love those pictures in front of the Christmas tree. You're getting so close! The heartburn is no fun but it might mean your little guy will have some cute hair :)

Hang in there!!

Tiffanie said...

You look absolutely beautiful! And I'm in love with that diaper bag you bought! Good find!

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