"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, January 26, 2012

10 Days

I am now 10 Days away from my Due Date! It's crazy for me to think it could be that close, but I am also ready to be done being pregnant. 9 months sure seems to be a long time...and the last few weeks feel like the longest part of it...

On Tuesday I went in for my weekly checkup. At 36 weeks I was dilated to a 2 and 60% effaced, and I have progessivly grown more effaced each week. So on Tuesday at my 38 week appt I was still dilated to a 2 but now 80% effaced. I'm glad that I am progressing but understand it really doesn't mean anything because I could still end up going past my due date and all.

The dr. also measures my uterus at each appointment and throughout my whole pregnancy I have been measuring "behind" compared to the average pregnancy. (Of course everyone is different though) Well, on Tuesday I measured right on. I had somehow made up my short comings in 1 week and grew 4 cm that brought me from 34cm at 37 weeks up to 38cm at my 38th week. I was shocked!

I am wondering if that is part of the reason my back has recently been killing me! I started having a little upper back soreness at the end of last week.  Then over the weekend it took a turn for the worse and left me unable to lift, bend, or feel like I could do anything without causing me pain. So after my appointment my Dr. had me take leave from work until my back pain subsides or if necessary until I deliver. So now here I am on "best rest" so to speak at home trying to take it easy. Even though I still feel like there is a lot I can and should do to prepare for this baby, I think we have come a long way in the past week and half and gotten together all the things we really need.

We have all the big things like the stroller, car seat, swing, of course crib and changing table, as well as a pack and play, and a bassinet for the first month to keep in our room. I have also washed all his clothes and blankets and feel like I have most of his stuff out and ready.

So baby you can come anytime! But if you want to wait until your due date...I'm okay with that too :) I'm still getting used to the idea of being "ready" and I constantly am thinking of more things I can do before you come so that everything is perfect for your special day.

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