I am now in my 9th month of Pregnancy with the second one. This pregnancy has been a little bit harder on me it seems. It's amazing how different the two pregnancies can be, and I hear each child can be that way. Everything has been going pretty smoothly overall though. There have been no complications or concerns up until just before my 35th week. This baby has seemed to move around ALL THE TIME. Then I realized one day I had gone almost the whole day and not noticed him move. So I decided to do my counts (you know the whole drill where you eat something lay on your side, etc) nothing. I was a little concerned, but decided not to panic because I remember Boston giving me a similar scare before. So I went on with my day and decided I would check again later. By bedtime I still hadn't noticed him, but I was exhausted and Boston had been sick so I just went to sleep. After waking up at around 3 AM to care for my sick 2 year old I decided I should do a kick count (especially since he is usually VERY active in the middle of the night). I went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal (that always seems to get him going!) I waited 30 min then counted. NOTHING. I started to really get concerned now. How long had it been since I felt him move? Was I over-reacting? What could be wrong? My mind was racing I was in complete panic now. I thought he really might be in danger, or worse already gone and I'd end up having a still birth. I decided I would take a warm bath to calm myself and also see if that triggered any movement, because he often moves around quite a bit when I bathe. So in the tub I soaked and waited. Finally, I felt a little flutter of a movement. Nothing strong, nothing like his usual kicks, but at least it was SOMETHING. I cried out of happiness. I prayed and prayed, thanking for the confirmation my baby was still there and praying everything would turn out okay, then went to bed. The next day I took Boston in to his Dr. to get checked out since he had been having trouble sleeping. Sure enough, he had an ear infection. After the appointment I drove to Orem for Boston and I to eat lunch with Ian. On my way home, that's when I realized I hadn't felt the baby kick since those little movements in the tub last night. I decided to pay attention to for kicks the whole way home. NOTHING. I wanted to call my doctor, but they were closed for lunch for another 30 min. So I waited, and tried to count again hoping that maybe by now my lunch would have settled and would trigger some movement from the babe. By the time my Dr's office opened again I still had not felt anything. When I told the nurse my concern she quickly said, "You need to go to the hospital right now and get checked out." I thought, "What?" "The hospital? Really?" "Oh my goodness what does this mean?!" I got off the phone and started sobbing. I still had Boston with me, I can't take him to the hospital with me, and who do I tell? I don't even know what's going to happen once I get there! I tried calling family, anyone that could help me with Boston. Finally, I got a hold of my grandparents. They were in a class but left right away to meet me at the hospital. I called Ian and he left from Orem. After checking into the hospital they brought me into a triage room and hooked a monitor up to listen for the heartbeat. It was there, thank goodness. After being on the monitor for a long while they performed an ultrasound to make sure the ambilical cord was not wrapped around the baby and that there was enough fluid. Everything checked out. They said there was no reason for concern, but suggested I get into my OB sooner than my regular appointment, just in case something changes. So after about 2 hours at the hospital we went home. I was relieved nothing was wrong, but felt a little silly I had made a big deal about it for everyone.
At my 35th week appointment I was dilated to a 2 and 70% effaced with baby's head down. Everything looked good other than I was still measuring a little small. (I have been the whole pregnancy, and did with Boston too up until the last few weeks)
At my 36th week appointment I found out the baby had flipped. He is now breech with his feet down. My doctor did a small in house ultrasound just to confirm. He was also concerned because I haven't shown progress in my growth for 2 weeks :/ So I go in today for a formal ultrasound to check the size of the baby and make sure we have a big healthy baby to deliver when the time comes....So I've decided this baby just keeps trying to make sure I'm on my toes. He's really sending me in emotional circles. I just hope he decides to flip back around before it's time to deliver, because I really don't want to have a C section if I don't have to :( So please pray for this little man to flip! I'm also hoping everything goes well in the ultrasound and that he is still growing!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
2 Year Pictures
Boston loves trains and horses most. He specifically loves Thomas the tank Engine and "Bow" (Grandpa's mini pony) is his favorite horse. He often talks about "Bow" and reminds us often how tall Bow is. He is constantly picking up new words now and surprises me everyday. He absolutely loves automatic doors (you know, like at the grocery stores) and we have to walk through them multiple times. He melts daddy's heart every night when he tells Ian "night dad!" He also plays and talks to "woof" (his dog, who
is actually named Savage) and always makes sure he says "hi" in the morning to him. He loves his dog and they play really well together. Our dog is so patient with Boss, who climbs all over Savage and loves playing, petting, and sharing his toys with his dog. Boston is an absolute joy. He has such a fun personality. He is sweet and thoughtful. He enjoys making jokes, laughing, and making other people laugh. I'm lucky that he still takes a regular nap once a day and will not fight me when I lay him in bed. He loves looking at books and always asks for more reading time when we go to bed each night. He is such a joy to have in our lives and I can't wait to see what he continues to show us as he grows up!

Boston is 2!
Well, I have come to terms with the fact that I am a terrible blogger. I keep thinking I will post this or that and then I always find something more important to do. So I'm finally taking the time to post about Boston turning 2, because I feel that it is important to record this. It also is fun to share lots of pictures of my cute 2 year old :)
We had a Thomas the Tank Engine themed birthday party for Boston because he has been obsessed with Thomas for quite a while now. I have lots of fun planning and coming up themes, and since I no longer have any friends or family that are going to need showers anymore its a good thing I have birthday parties to look forward too :) lol. So anyways I'm really happy with how the party turned out, but next year I think I will try reserve the gym at our church so we have a lot more room! Here's a few pictures of the party.
We had a Thomas the Tank Engine themed birthday party for Boston because he has been obsessed with Thomas for quite a while now. I have lots of fun planning and coming up themes, and since I no longer have any friends or family that are going to need showers anymore its a good thing I have birthday parties to look forward too :) lol. So anyways I'm really happy with how the party turned out, but next year I think I will try reserve the gym at our church so we have a lot more room! Here's a few pictures of the party.
Cake & food table
Thomas Cake and Cupcakes
The plates/napkins/silverware. Everything was red, blue, and yellow!
The "Sodor Water Tower" and railroad striped straws (I love using paper straws! They just make drinks more fun right?)
The "Diesel Fuel" were just for the kids at the party, they loved it.
We even had this huge Thomas and Percy poster for all the kids to take a picture with.
This is Boston's Thomas Tent he got for Christmas. The kids loved playing in it at the party!
And this is a view of all the tables and decorations.
Blowing out the candles
Hitting the pinata. What a stud!
I was a little stressed for time on the day of the party. I wanted to
make sure I got Boston's nap in and knew I would need a few hours to set
up everything. I tried to plan accordingly, but I wasn't able to get
everything set up and take pictures before everyone got there. I would
have liked to be able to show you what I did for my table centerpieces
and some of the games I made for the kids. We also had treat bags,
conductor hats, and a pinata for the kids to hit. It was a crazy day and
the party was a blur, but we had lots of fun! Boston even blew out his
own candles :) I was so impressed. He was so excited that everyone was
singing to him and knew just what to do. lol.
That little boy just surprises me everyday! I can't believe how grown up he is getting!
Happy Birthday Bosser!
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