Boston loves trains and horses most. He specifically loves Thomas the tank Engine and "Bow" (Grandpa's mini pony) is his favorite horse. He often talks about "Bow" and reminds us often how tall Bow is. He is constantly picking up new words now and surprises me everyday. He absolutely loves automatic doors (you know, like at the grocery stores) and we have to walk through them multiple times. He melts daddy's heart every night when he tells Ian "night dad!" He also plays and talks to "woof" (his dog, who
is actually named Savage) and always makes sure he says "hi" in the morning to him. He loves his dog and they play really well together. Our dog is so patient with Boss, who climbs all over Savage and loves playing, petting, and sharing his toys with his dog. Boston is an absolute joy. He has such a fun personality. He is sweet and thoughtful. He enjoys making jokes, laughing, and making other people laugh. I'm lucky that he still takes a regular nap once a day and will not fight me when I lay him in bed. He loves looking at books and always asks for more reading time when we go to bed each night. He is such a joy to have in our lives and I can't wait to see what he continues to show us as he grows up!

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