"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Little Baby Meir Cat

Latest in the Ian and Crystal world is a lovely addition of a 6 week old kitten named meira (mee-ra) She is the most adorable thing I think I have ever seen. I picked her up the night before Thanksgiving and she just stole my heart at first sight. We have only had her four days since but she keeps getting cuter and bigger! by the day. It's really quite surprising how apart of the family she feels to us already. It's like having a child! I worry day and night about her. When I leave to run errands or do anything all I can think about is her and hurry as fast as I can to make it home to be by her side again. Ian is just as parent like. He is very protective of her and we both freak out if we suddenly can't find her. I wouldn't doubt it if she has already started to catch on to our obsessiveness. For instance, she is not fully litter trained yet, being that she is so young, so in the middle of the night we hear her meow and find that she has had an "accident" on a pair of Ian's gym shorts. Frantically, we try to clean her up and show her where she is really supposed to go "potty" and so on and so forth. Then we decide the best thing would be to confine her to a small area where her litter box is in close sight. So we baracade our laundry room up with large boxes and our wakeboard in hopes to lock her in. Well, not long after we climb into bed and start to dose off again we hear her making her high pitched meow again, but oddly it sounds closer than her prison space. Ian decides a few minutes later to check on her just to make sure she's ok. Well low and behold the little rat got out!!! She was cockily jumping from couch to couch parading around having the time of her life, when she was supposed to be in punishment! For the longest time we couldn't even figure out how this little thing had managed to escape from these huge obsticles!! In the end we can think of no other solution but to climb in her little "prison" with her and sleep on the floor in hopes to keep her there and closely monitor her possible accidents during the night. What a sight that must have been. Two grown adults curled up in a small laundry room with a tiny baby kitten all night long....haha. The best part is we repeated the same routine last night only adding one more room into the mix to give us extra space to sleep. It's seemed to work well though. She hasn't had an accident since and has proven to be very well trained so far. She now will go by herself without any hesitation. Although, I still feel I need to walk her by every now and again just to remind her in case she gets carried away in her playing and runs into another "accident" again. All in all its been a wonderful and eventful past four days and we love this cat more than anything in the world. This kitten has brought one more thing to our attention though, we definately DO NOT want to have kids right now. haha. If a KITTEN brings this much worry, takes this much time, attention, and energy; then we don't even want to think about what a child would bring on us, yet. I think it's going to be another couple of years for that leap.


John and Abigail said...

I am laughing so hard at you two! I can just picture you guys curled up on the laundry room floor with Meira happily snuggling in! Isn't it amazing how such a little thing can take up so much space in your heart?!! We love you guys! Give the baby kitty a kiss from me! Love, abs

Crystal said...

ha ha its so true...The little rat! She's so cute...and she gives a cute little baby kitty eyes when we try to discipline her. oh its so sad. and she is just the sweetest little thing...and you should see Ian with her too. haha he's worse! lol. I can't imagine when we have kids....

Taci said...

Cutest cat I've ever seen.

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