"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Six Months. Already?!


Where has the time gone? I can't believe my little newborn has turned into this squealing, jabbering, rolling, sitting up, cute stinker I have now. This boy is such a joy. It is so fun having a six month old. He LOVES playing, he smiles ALL the time, he giggles, he "talks", he rolls, plays on his tummy, he is just SOO much fun.


sitting up all on his own!

His daddy's FAVORITE picure

We were trying to get a picture of him with his head up while laying on his tummy, but since he was so tired this was as good as we got :) I kinda like it! ha ha.

He LOVES this spoon. It's meant for 12-24 month olds so they can feed themselves, but Boston loves it as a teether. LOL. It has a flexible top and he chews this thing ALL DAY LONG. So naturally we decided we needed a picture of him with it.

We got his 6 months pictures done at Foto Fly in Draper. He hadn't napped most the day, and our pictures were scheduled after I got off work, so it was late. He ended up falling asleep on the ride over, and it took a lot to wake him up :( I felt bad, because he hadn't napped much and really needed it, but I didn't feel like I could cancel either...Luckily, he woke up and was pretty happy for us. He didn't smile much but he gave us plenty of fun pictures.

1 comment:

absterradster said...

Crystal he is so cute! He looks a lot like Ian! I loved the 6 month stage!

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