"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 25, 2011

12 & 16 Weeks

12 Weeks

16 Weeks

I definately feel pregnant by this point. My belly has become noticeably larger over the past few weeks and that has already started to throw my center of gravity off a bit.  I notice I am not as balanced as I used to be and I don't feel as agile as before. I get out of breath by walking up the stairs and I feel like my mind has left me...I can't remember things as well :(  Overall though I have been enjoying the start of my second trimester compared to the first.  I feel pretty good and a little more like myself only growing :) Life is great and we can't wait to find out what we are having in a few more weeks!

1 comment:

Tiffanie said...

I love the pictures! You look so cute - I can't wait to hear what you're having. I having all of these ideas for a baby shower and I need to know which gender to go with :)

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