"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 14, 2011

We Got It!

Well....WE GOT THE HOUSE! We are officially homeowners and I am now holding a set of keys to our new house! We started working on it and are so excited to get everything done so we can move in!  Family and friends have been wonderful and so willing to help out.  I am so grateful for everyone's generosity! It's funny how things just work out sometimes when you least expect it. If we need something someone seems to have it lately! You need a new lock for your door?...oh someone has an extra!...you need a new vanity?....oh got that covered!...You need a fridge?...oh there is one sitting in storage!...It's been crazy to see so many people offering their things. I am just so amazed how we have been blessed! Thank you for all the help you guys! Can't wait to get it done and have you all over :)

1 comment:

Heilit and Matthew Biehl said...

Congratulations! That is such a wonderful blessing for the two of you. I hope to see pictures after you've settled in. Please let us know your address for a little housewarming gift :)

Miss you!

Heilit & Matt

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