"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Birthday Wishes

I am officially 25! Thanks to all that wished me a Happy Birthday today and to my family for fixing me a nice dinner and dessert. Yum.

This is my first Birthday as a mom, and I loved it. It's different having a kid, of course. My birthdays used to be all about me and I looked forward to them and kind of made them a big deal. This year, although I was excited for my birthday, I was more focused on Boston :) In fact even my gifts were partly for him! Spending time with him is my only wish. Which works out perfectly, because tomorrow I am taking a vacation day to spend just with my little boy! I can't wait :)

Here is my sweet boy on his Mother's Birthday. I think he looks so handsome dressed in his Sunday outfit. He even let mom take a picure of his smile finally!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Learning & Growing!

Boston is getting big! He is also learning a more and more each day it seems! This video was taken about a month ago...but I still love when he sticks out his tongue to me!
He now also recognizes his hands and grabs onto small toys, blankets, my shirt, etc. He does exceptionally well at keeping his head up these days. He will be three months in about another week. I can't believe how big he is getting! He is now out of size 1 diapers, which means he is over 14lbs! (14lbs 6oz to be exact). He's trying to talk more and makes lots of random noises in an effort to do this :) I am loving this little boy and just trying to savor every minute of my time with him!

Easter Sunday

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