"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, December 27, 2009

2 Year Anniversary!!

For our two year anniversary Ian and I went to our old home town Logan, UT.  We enjoyed a sleigh ride visiting the Elk at Hardware Ranch

Then we spent a romantic evening over dinner at Le Nonne Italian Restaurant

This wasn't our meal (we of course do NOT drink wine) but to give you an idea of how GOOD their food looks & tastes!

Visit their website at http://www.lenonne.net/ to check out their menu
Ian had the Spaghettini Del Ortolano & I had the Ravioli de Pollo alla Marinara, both were delicious!
We also have tried the Pennette Alla Pera which has definately hit the top as one of our favorites!

We also spent time visiting our favorite places in Logan and driving through the town talking about all our memories.  A special thanks to our friends who hooked us up with a complimentary room for two nights at one of the housing dorms.  It was like living there all over again.  What a memorable experience! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Party & Gingerbread Houses

Friday was South Summit Pediatric's Christmas party, held at Dr. Lei's house.  Which I must say is BREATHTAKING (but what did you expect from a doctor right?)  We enjoyed loads of delicious homemade food and good company.  I really enjoyed chatting with all the ladies outside of work and being able to meet everyone's spouses!  Later we did a gift exchange and it was fun to see all the gifts people brought and chose and then steal!  I first unwrapped a "bop-it" but that was stolen from me...then I got a watch....that was stolen from me...but eventually I got it back.  Ian picked a package that came with 3 gifts in one!  He added new kitchen towels, and a gingerbread snowman making kit to our lovely house for the season :) It was so much fun I am looking forward to it again next year!

Saturday Ian and I had dinner at my parent's house and then made and decorated gingerbread houses! It's a tradition in my family. My mom makes the walls and roof from scratch and we glue them together and decorate!  Behold our works of art.

This is the back side of my house

And the front side...

This is Cody's


Ian's backside

Ian's front side

And my mom's! She always out does us all!
(My dad glued his together and then fell asleep so no pictures of his talent this year)

We always have so much fun, although it is very time consuming!  What's more fun that sitting around talking for hours while decorating and stealing ideas from those around you, though.  :) Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Night in Bethlehem

The Jensen/Fisher Family Christmas Party was a lot of fun!  We re-lived "A Night in Bethlehem".  Everyone who came in was required to wear the proper attire for the time period.  There was even a room with extra towels, ties, ribbons, blankets, scarves, robes, and whatever else you could imagine to dress yourself up in to look the part. 
Then we each got a pocket to hang over our necks of "kanibs" which were our special form of money for the night.  With the kanibs we were able to purchase our food at the "market" such as mana, olives, and fruit.  Afterwhich each family set out a blanket on their "land" and ate socializing with their "neighbors". 
When you were done eating you could go back to the market and play games for another kanib.  We went "fishing" and came up with a fair bundle of tasty swedish fish!  You could also try your luck at the tent with the "basket of chance" or take a look through "jacob's toy oasis".  

 Take a look at our little "town" and our wonderful family!

abbers with fish smiling for the camera with linc and john in the background

My cute husband running the fish market booth

My lovely neices showing off their outfits!

Whitney and Matt with their adorable baby boy, Korver! (Who was just blessed on Sunday!)

Asher, G-ma and Elena

A glimpse of what the little kids loved the most I think.

Fish and Linc showing off how well they can pull of their costumes!

Mandy, Jake, and Grandma Peggy

As soon as the sky became nightfall someone encouraged us outside to see what had suddenly appeared in the night's sky.  As each of us exited we were given a glowing candle and climbed aboard a trailer for a hay ride and christmas caroling down the streets of Draper!  We ended at the Fisher's barn where there was a large, brightly shining star hanging above and an angel who spoke to us of a newborn and lead us inside to see him.  As we all gathered around to see the babe the angel explained of the baby's purpose and where he came from.  She noticed we did not come bearing any gifts, but said it was no matter.  It was a blessing this child had come to earth to be our savior.  After we all were able to see the baby boy we went peacefully back to "town" and enjoyed the rest of the evening visiting and enjoying our time as family and friends, with a greater appreciation and reminder for what we are really celebrating at this time of year.

Excellent work Mom, Jade and all who participated in the planning, acting, and set up.  It was a huge success in my opinion.  I had no idea what was to come after doing the invitations.  If only I had known what a spectacular event you ladies had up your sleeve.

P.S. Thnaks Abbers for usuing my card to take most of these pics with your camera!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Out and About :) My life lesson learned

If you want to hear a once in a life time story....keep on reading.  First off I'd like to clarify Ian titled this post for me.  Since I was lost for the right words to sum up what I am about to tell you.

Okay so here it goes....It was a Thursday afternoon I had just gotten home from school and had a couple hours before I had to be to work.  So I decided to clean a bit around the house.  The sliding glass door needed to be windex'd. "I'll start there" I thought.  So after stepping out on our porch to clean the window from the outside I realized our glass door locks automatically when you close it.   Yep. so there I am, a cold winter day.  Now locked out on my balcony......Three stories up. 

First thought, pull my phone out and call someone!  Oh wait...(checking pockets) I left it inside.  Well lets see, do I have anything? No car keys, no house keys, nothing.  Okay, Okay don't panic lets weigh the options.

1.  I could find something on the patio to break the window with and climb back inside.  We'd just end up having to pay for the window....hmmm...okay next option

2.  I could possibly jump from our balcony over the ledge onto the stairway up to the apartments on our level, but if i don't make it....that's a long way down and that could be dangerous. so next option...

3.  I could probably climb over the railing and hold onto the support beams and climb my way down to the main level, but there again I could loose my grip and fall....well that's risky too...so what else.

 4. Well lastly, I could sit and wait for someone to come by and see if they can help me. 

Alright, so let's say I do get down though, my keys are locked in my house.  The only way I can get back in is hoping the office has a spare key they will let me in with!

Well it's risky and not a for sure plan, but after a good 15 min or so without anyone coming by to save the day I decide to climb down myself.  So throwing one foot over supporting myself on a tiny 1/2 inch hangover from the floor of our porch i grab onto the beam and lower my hands to fit in the spaces between each board in the railing as I try to reach my feet around the next beam that belongs to the apartment below us.  So picture this.  I am HANGING from a THREE STORY apartment building hands above my head.  Feet dangling struggling to wrap a pole on SOMEONE ELSES APARTMENT.  Oh my.  but it gets better.  So after I manage to scramble to the last level I have to jump from the last patio to the main level (about 6-7 ft up i'd say) then head straight to the office.

I rush into the office, panting COMPLETELY out of breath and manage to spit out I need keys to my apartment because I got locked out.  Confused but obedient they go to get the key.  Bad news its not there.  They call maintenance to see if they possibly have it.  (they did just come out and fix our disposal the other day come to think of it.)  They do.  So someone meets me at my apartment to let me in, but the key doesnt work.  After a call to the maintenance manager and double check that that's the only key for our apartment, asking me about 5'xs over if we've changed our locks.  They decide the only way to get me in is by busting our locks. 

Okay so I patiently wait in the main office until the maitnence crew can bust the lock and let me in.  As I'm sitting there (by this time I could breath and my adrenaline wasn't pumping so hard through my veins)  I start to realize my foot is killing me.  I must have done something to it when I jumped from the balcony. (Which is a good possibility considering I was in 3 inch boots the whole time, oh wait I didn't mention that?) Well, finally they break into my house and let me in.  All's over, but now its time for work!  The office said they would put in a new lock, but in the meantime I can't lock my doors as I leave for work and Ian doesn't get home for a few hours.  Weirdest feeling leaving your door unlocked with the lock busted and no one home to watch it!

So to make the rest of the story short.  I went to work,  Ian came home, and nothing was stolen.  My ankle was sprained just a little.  They fixed the lock the next day after Ian went into the office and explained the situation all over again. It seems they were all very familiar with it. They replied "That was your wife?!"  "She came running in here with blue lips, out of breath, and in 3 inch high boots saying she just climbed down from the third floor!" It seems the story had acquired i bit of attention.  Even the maintenance crew couldnt believe it.
All is well now.  I survived.  We have a new lock that now works better than ever, at no charge to us, a great story to tell for the rest of our lives, Ian recieved a new appreciation for having such an awesome wife, and we learned a great lesson.  Never close the sliding glass door from the outside when you live three stories up and no one else is home to let you in.  {unless you need a new lock on your door I guess!}  (cha ching! we totally lucked out on that. ha!

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