"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Night in Bethlehem

The Jensen/Fisher Family Christmas Party was a lot of fun!  We re-lived "A Night in Bethlehem".  Everyone who came in was required to wear the proper attire for the time period.  There was even a room with extra towels, ties, ribbons, blankets, scarves, robes, and whatever else you could imagine to dress yourself up in to look the part. 
Then we each got a pocket to hang over our necks of "kanibs" which were our special form of money for the night.  With the kanibs we were able to purchase our food at the "market" such as mana, olives, and fruit.  Afterwhich each family set out a blanket on their "land" and ate socializing with their "neighbors". 
When you were done eating you could go back to the market and play games for another kanib.  We went "fishing" and came up with a fair bundle of tasty swedish fish!  You could also try your luck at the tent with the "basket of chance" or take a look through "jacob's toy oasis".  

 Take a look at our little "town" and our wonderful family!

abbers with fish smiling for the camera with linc and john in the background

My cute husband running the fish market booth

My lovely neices showing off their outfits!

Whitney and Matt with their adorable baby boy, Korver! (Who was just blessed on Sunday!)

Asher, G-ma and Elena

A glimpse of what the little kids loved the most I think.

Fish and Linc showing off how well they can pull of their costumes!

Mandy, Jake, and Grandma Peggy

As soon as the sky became nightfall someone encouraged us outside to see what had suddenly appeared in the night's sky.  As each of us exited we were given a glowing candle and climbed aboard a trailer for a hay ride and christmas caroling down the streets of Draper!  We ended at the Fisher's barn where there was a large, brightly shining star hanging above and an angel who spoke to us of a newborn and lead us inside to see him.  As we all gathered around to see the babe the angel explained of the baby's purpose and where he came from.  She noticed we did not come bearing any gifts, but said it was no matter.  It was a blessing this child had come to earth to be our savior.  After we all were able to see the baby boy we went peacefully back to "town" and enjoyed the rest of the evening visiting and enjoying our time as family and friends, with a greater appreciation and reminder for what we are really celebrating at this time of year.

Excellent work Mom, Jade and all who participated in the planning, acting, and set up.  It was a huge success in my opinion.  I had no idea what was to come after doing the invitations.  If only I had known what a spectacular event you ladies had up your sleeve.

P.S. Thnaks Abbers for usuing my card to take most of these pics with your camera!

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